Poker Progressive

Poker Progressive The Poker Progressive Jackpot is an exciting Jackpot side bet available at Golden Dragon Casino,Tema and starts at a base value of 15,000Ghc as a house contribution every time it is won! The Aim of The Game The aim of the game is not to beat the house or other players, but to…

5-Card Poker

HOW TO PLAY 5-CARD POKER One of the simplest variants of poker, and one that is many poker player’s first introduction to the game of poker, is 5-Card Poker.In five-card draw poker, each player is dealt five cards and has the opportunity to bet and exchange cards to try for the highest hand. If you…

7-Card Poker

How to play 7-Card Poker Seven-card poker is played with a starting hand of two down facing cards and one up facing card dealt before the first betting round. There are then three more up facing cards and a final down facing card, with a betting round after each, for a total of five betting…


Blackjack is played with one or more standard 52-card decks, with each denomination assigned a point value. The cards 2 through 10 are worth their face value. Kings, queens, and jacks are each worth 10, and aces may be used as either 1 or 11. The object for the player is to draw cards totalling…

American Roulette

HOW TO PLAY ROULETTE The Wheel Golden Dragon Casino, Tema offers our guests the European Roulette Wheel game. There are two different roulette wheels. The European wheel has 37 slots numbered 0-36. The house edge is 2.63. The American wheel has 38 numbers because the added a double zero (00). The addition of the extra…